Writing: Tool for Transformation

Like most people I learned the rudiments of writing in my early grade school years, but it wasn’t until about thirty years ago when I made the mental shift to “I am a writer” mode. During these last thirty years, I’ve traveled two closely related paths — my path as a writer, and my path of personal development, spiritual evolution, and transformation.imgres
These two paths have been so inextricably woven together as to appear, at times, one and the same. I believe this is because writing, in its many different forms, is a powerful tool for personal growth. Writing is like the Swiss Army knife of transformation because you can use so many different forms of it to aid in your personal path.
So for 2015, this will be a central theme of this blog where I invite you to explore with me how to use various forms of writing to enhance your life. You may be someone whose mindset is “I’m not a writer,” or a longtime veteran of the written word like myself or somewhere in between. Perhaps you just enjoy the fruits of other writers’ labors. But if the idea that writing can be a powerful tool for personal transformation interests you, then I’m thrilled you found your way here.
Let’s explore this perspective together. I’ll start with regular blog posts, then you chime in with your comments and questions. It’s that simple. And in the process, we’ll be using the transformational tool of writing to contribute to each other.
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