Patreon enables fans/patrons to give ongoing support to their favorite creators. If you are a writer, author or other creative person, Patreon could be the most important piece of your social media network.
As a writer for the past 25 years, I know how lonely and challenging it can be for many of us ‘creative sorts.’ Could you not benefit from one or more of these:
1) Additional Support, both financial & otherwise.
2) Help in focusing your writing or other creative goal.
3) Support in being more accountable for what you’re creating.
4) Your own R&D team.
Now, I’m not a owner or stock holder in Patreon. I’m just one of many other creators who sees the possibility it can provide to writers, authors and creators.
The content that I’m producing falls into two categories:
1) New pages of visionary writing of fiction and nonfiction, and
2) Blog posts and videos that inspire, encourage and support other writers to reach for their dreams with persistence and determination.
If you become one of my patrons (http://www.patreon/wbradfordswift
) you’ll be helping me fulfill on those goals.
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