Unleash Your Inner Author with the Writer’s Breakthrough Intensive

  • A good night sleep is important for the creative mind.

Are You Ready to Turn Your ‘One Day’ into ‘Day One’?

For decades, I’ve been a catalyst for transformation, combining my dual passions for writing and life coaching. Today, I’m proud to offer you the opportunity of a lifetime: a journey designed to empower YOU, the aspiring author.

👉 Are you a ‘someday’ writer longing to kick-start your dreams?
👉 Are you juggling a part-time writing gig and craving full-time focus?
👉 Are you stuck on a project that deserves to see the light of day?
👉 Or are you an experienced writer feeling uninspired, yearning to rekindle your creative fire?

Say ‘YES’ to Yourself and Step Into Our Writer’s Breakthrough Intensive!

What’s Possible in Just Three Days?

💡 Uncover Hidden Blocks: Get to the root of what’s been holding you back and blaze a new trail forward.

💡 Visioning & Planning: Craft a realistic, yet audacious game plan tailored to fulfill your specific aspirations.

💡 Gap Analysis: Understand the distance between where you are and where you want to be—and chart a path to bridge that gap.

💡 Ignite Your Creativity: Reignite your passion for writing in ways you’ve never imagined.

Why Choose Writer’s Breakthrough Intensive?

🌟 Fully Customizable: No cookie-cutter solutions here! Your intensive is designed around YOU and your unique writing goals.

🌟 Immersive Experience: Spend your weekend in our dedicated Writer’s Nook, a sanctuary designed to fuel creativity and focus. Learn More

🌟 Holistic Approach: It’s more than just writing mechanics. My Write On Purpose coaching blend combines personal development with hands-on writing guidance.

🌟 All-Inclusive Coaching: Your package includes 12 focused hours of coaching that balance strategy and soul.

Ready to Dive In? Here’s How It Works

1️⃣ Friday Check-In: Arrive between 1 to 3 PM ET, settle in, and embark on your first coaching session from 3 to 6 PM ET.

2️⃣ Super Saturday: Your day begins at 9 AM and goes until 5 PM, with a leisurely break from 12 to 2 PM to relax and recharge.

3️⃣ Soulful Sunday: Wrap up your intensive with a morning session from 9 AM to 12 noon, leaving inspired and empowered.

Your Investment

  • In-Person WBI: $2495 (Includes 12 hours of coaching and room. Meals and transportation not included.)
  • Virtual WBI: $2295 (Includes 12 hours of coaching via Google Meet or Zoom.)

Next Steps

Feeling the pull? If this sounds like just the transformation you’ve been waiting for, let’s make it happen!

1️⃣ Fill Out Our Information Form Below
2️⃣ Schedule Your Free Exploration Call
3️⃣ Book Your Breakthrough Weekend

Step into your power. Ignite your creativity. Write with purpose. Your story awaits!