My Manifesto for Visionary Writers

If you've been following me through Life On Purpose Institute for very long you know that one of my most purposeful, pleasurable and prolific ways I've chosen to express my life purpose is through the written word (as I have been doing with Purposeful Pondering Ezine since it's launch in 1997). For 25 years I've written hundreds of magazine articles for regional, national and international magazines, published hundreds of ezine articles, written numerous Purposeful [...]

2011-09-14T15:55:04+00:004 Comments

A Synchronicity 19 Years in the Making

My editor for Dominion Over All sent me an email this week: "This video made me think of Zak." The video she mentioned is below.  Zak is the protagonist of my YA fantasy novel about a 13-year old boy who is commissioned by the animal kingdom to speak to the United Nation's Conference admonishing the world leaders to stop polluting our world. While I remember learning about the U. N.'s Conference during my research, I only [...]

2011-09-08T15:49:36+00:002 Comments

Claim Your Ground: Staving Off Disappointment

I realized recently that I've become a bit down on my Purpose Project to expand my visionary writing to include fiction.  This became particularly evident as I was reading blogs of other successful indie authors who appear to be much further along than me. I then realized that I'd failed to do something that's really important when you've created a Purpose Project that could take years, even decades to complete.  That important step is to "claim [...]

2011-09-05T14:46:54+00:002 Comments

The Opening to Dominion Over All

Do you ever have an idea in the middle of the night that's so strong it wakes you from a deep sleep?  That happened to me last night when "out of the blue" I got this message that one way I could use my new website/blog was to share excerpts from some of my recent and/or forthcoming visionary books. Now, admittedly some of the ideas I've had during the night, seem pretty lame by the next [...]

2011-08-31T17:52:44+00:000 Comments

Orson Scott Card – A Storyteller's Life

I had the honor of interviewing one of my favorite authors of speculative fiction several years ago when my writing career was just starting and his was on a roll.  It helped that we lived in the same city and that I can be 'pleasantly persistent' when it comes to interviews. One of the most insightful points Orson Scott Card made during the interview was: "I believe every writer has to simultaneously believe that Shakespeare would [...]

2011-08-27T20:30:16+00:000 Comments

Life Will NOT be Denied

I start out almost every day, rain or shine, with my purpose practice of walking, most often around the retreat center that is across from my home.  I make it a point to include a spin around Bonclarken Lake.  This past early spring, I noticed a beaver had toppled about eight beautiful crepe myrtle trees that nestled themselves in the corner of one of the home's properties overlooking the lake. At the time I thought, boy, [...]

2011-08-24T14:30:41+00:000 Comments

So, What is Visionary Fiction, Anyway?

I thought I'd answer this question before getting asked. I like to stay ahead in life.  So, what is visionary fiction and how is it like and how does it differ from speculative fiction genres like science fiction and fantasy, etc.? Here's my personal take on this.  I imagine you could find other responses on the web and with other writers.  To start with I'd say that speculative fiction is the umbrella under which you'll find: [...]

2011-08-19T19:05:33+00:000 Comments
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