Today I’m extending an invitation to members of Amazingly Awesome Readers’ Group to become a Beta Reader for my next SF novel, Rabble, book two of the Cosmic Conspiracy series. A key step in my writing process is to have other people read and comment on my works in progress. I refer to these as Beta Readers.

My Beta Readers receive my latest stories in advance of anyone else. They then provide input on the story focusing on such important elements as:

  • Character Development
  • Plot
  • Description
  • Dialogue
  • Conflict

Qualities & Attributes of an ideal Beta Reader

Here are some of the qualities and attributes I feel are most important for a Beta Reader:

  • A Beta Reader is able to provide constructive comments on books and stories from a Big Picture perspective. They can make useful, valuable, and constructive comments that result in a stronger and more engaging story.
  • They are able to share what works about the story from their perspective in a positive and specific way focusing on such areas as those listed above.
  • They are then able to also make specific comments on what could make the story even better. This includes pointing out places in the story where they may have become confused, or where they lost interest, or where the story seemed to ramble.
  • They are able to communicate their insights in a positive and constructive way.

Are You a Good Fit?

Here’s are a few other points that will help you decide whether you may be a good match as one of my Beta Readers:

  • While you may be an avid reader of many different genres, you particularly enjoy reading speculative and visionary fiction.
  • You are able to read and comment on a book within a week or two of agreeing to read the book.
  • If something unexpected comes up that prevents you from reading the book in a timely manner, you’ll communicate immediately so other arrangements can be made.
  • You will be mindful to make positive and constructive comments intended to make the book better while also empowering the writer (that’s me).
  • Your comments will be as specific as possible that include highlighting what you like about the book and that you feel works well, as well as specific suggestions that could improve the book and/or story.
  • You will remain unattached to your comments and insights, knowing the final decision is left to me, and my decision not to make certain changes does not mean I do not appreciate and value the comments and suggestions.

On Becoming a Beta Reader

It’s simple to request becoming a Beta Reader. Simply complete the application form below and include any questions you may have of me. I’ll get back in touch with you within a week to ten days. At this point, I’m looking for no more than five additional Beta Readers to add to the team.

How It All Works

Once you’re accepted as a Beta Reader,  you will receive a private email from me with a link to the book online where you can start reading and making your comments and suggestions. There will be additional information at the start on what input I find most valuable.

One last note. Please only apply if you know you’ll not only read the book but also give me your valuable feedback in a timely manner. Thanks.