The Learning Curve

How to Find a Publisher – Maybe You Already Have

I recently received the following message from an aspiring author who asked a couple of "those questions" so many other aspiring authors have that I felt it deserved more than just a quick or private response.  Here's her question: I have been attempting my first try at writing a book. I am putting the finishing touches on it now. But, I do not have a clue what's next and how to go about finding a publisher [...]

2011-09-28T14:07:52+00:000 Comments

Claim Your Ground: Staving Off Disappointment

I realized recently that I've become a bit down on my Purpose Project to expand my visionary writing to include fiction.  This became particularly evident as I was reading blogs of other successful indie authors who appear to be much further along than me. I then realized that I'd failed to do something that's really important when you've created a Purpose Project that could take years, even decades to complete.  That important step is to "claim [...]

2011-09-05T14:46:54+00:002 Comments
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