Sneaking Up On Commitment

“Your task is not to seek for love, but to find the barriers in yourself that you have built against it.”
~ A Course In Miracles ~

Forever can be a long time. For many people, the idea of committing to something or someone for forever can be so right-in-your-face intimidating, it’s often easier to just avoid it at all cost. Such commitments can….

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My Katrina Story – Becoming A Canine Candy Stripper

For days we heard on the news about the devastating effects wrought on New Orleans and the Louisiana coast by Hurricane Katrina. Being a former veterinarian I was particularly sensitive to the horror stories I heard about the thousands of displaced pets. Even though I was no longer in practice something….

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The Joy Of Less

When my wife and I moved our family to the North Carolina mountains several years ago with the aim to simplify our lives, we were thrilled to find a home with plenty of storage space to the tune of a full garage, six closets and two walk-in storage areas in the loft.It sure brought home to us what a prosperous country we live in to have so much room to store….

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Lucky’s Luckiest Day

It was a brisk fall day in the North Carolina mountains where I live. The sun shined brightly, the sky deep blue, and the air crisp and clean. I had some errands to run so decided to take my dog, Lucky, with me. Although just a mutt, she had one of the sweetest faces of mostly black fur, brown eyes and those cute brown eyebrows that always made her….

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Paying their Respects

If dogs have been an important part of your family as they have been for my family, then you know some dogs seem to have a special sixth sense about things. While for the most part they try to keep their special gifts to themselves, every now and then they slip up. That was the case with two of our dogs, Lucky and Lil’Bit. Lucky was the black sheep….

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Cannine Candy Striper

For weeks we listened to the news about the devastating effects wrought on New Orleans and the Louisiana coast by Hurricane Katrina. Being a former veterinarian I was particularly sensitive to the horror stories I heard about the thousands of displaced pets. My gut would not let me rest. I felt compelled to do something….

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Guess Who’s Come to Dinner?

We were enjoying a pitch perfect fall afternoon eating Sunday dinner with the sliding glass door open nearby when suddenly my eight-year-old daughter, Amber, gazed down next to her chair to find a scruffy black and tan mutt sitting beside her like begging at the table was the most natural thing in the world….

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