Turbocharge Your NaNoWriMo Journey in Just 30 Minutes

Greetings, NaNoWriMo enthusiasts and aspiring authors! I’m Brad Swift, and I’ve been empowering writers and authors through my Write On Purpose Coaching for the past several years. As someone who has participated in NaNoWriMo since 2011 and published 8 of my 10 NaNoWriMo projects, I understand the trials and triumphs of this transformative experience. But here’s the thing—NaNoWriMo isn’t just about writing a book. It’s about fulfilling a dream,leaving a legacy, and most importantly, writing with a purpose. That’s where I come in.

I’m here to help you unleash your creative potential and make the most of your November writing journey. This year, I’m offering unique 30-minute laser coaching sessions aimed at boosting your progress and helping you write with a purpose. One of the best parts, the sessions are free. It’s my way of giving back to the writing community that has been such an important part of my life. (And yes, I will give you the opportunity to contribute at the end of the session if you wish, and we will divide the contribution between NaNoWriMo and myself.)

What is the 30-Minute NaNoWriMo Power Boost?

1. Focused Conversation: We dive straight into your most pressing NaNoWriMo challenges. Whether you’re struggling with writer’s block, emotional roadblocks, or time management, I’m here to help you find your way. Other possible challenges you may want to explore and break through could include:  a lack of creative confidence or a bout of self-doubt.

2. Practical Tips: Based on our conversation, you’ll gain personalized insights tailored to your project and writing style, empowering you to take the next steps with clarity and confidence.

3. Quick Accountability Check: A brief touch on what your next steps are so you can keep the momentum going.


Why Choose Write On Purpose for Your NaNoWriMo Boost?

1. Expertise: Leverage my three decades of coaching and writing experience for powerful insights that you can then put into action.

2. Holistic Approach: I’m not just talking about your book; I’m talking about your vision for it and how that fits into your life’s purpose.

3. Time-Saving: In just 30 minutes, gain a renewed sense of clarity and direction.

Who Should Sign Up?

– If you’re hitting a wall midway through NaNoWriMo.

– If you need a quick refresher or pep talk.

– If you want a quick sanity check for your project.

– If you wish to gain targeted insights within a brief period.

How It Works

1. Fill Out A Coaching Questionnaire: This will help me understand where you are in your NaNoWriMo journey so we can make the most of our time together.

2. Book Your Slot: At the end of the questionnaire is a link to schedule your 30-minute sessions through Calendy. (It will say each session is 30 minutes, but that’s so I have a brief break between them. Please keep that in mind.)

3. Prepare for Lift-off: Have your questions ready, and let’s make those 30 minutes count!

Ready to Unleash Your NaNoWriMo Potential?

Complete the coaching questionnaire below. Remember, the more thorough your responses, the more powerful the coaching.


For Ongoing Support

1. If you are interested in exploring a longer-term relationship with me, check out my Write On Purpose Coaching Page Here.

2. Explore these Write On Purpose Coaching Video Tips Here.

3. Learn more about Write On Purpose Coaching with my FAQ Section Here.

I look forward to meeting you in one of these empowering sessions, designed to propel you through your NaNoWriMo journey.

Warm regards,

Brad Swift (aka W. Bradford Swift, my primary author name)

Write On Purpose Coach