May I help you on your journey with the following resources? All of these resources I have personally used and endorse. Some of these links are affiliates links which mean if you use the link, like what you see, and make a purchase I will receive a small commission which will help keep the lights on and allow me to continue blogging. Other resources that do not currently have an affiliate option are listed here because they’re too good not to share with you, my fellow writers.
Resources for Writers
I’m relatively new to Grammarly, an online proofreading tool, but I must say, so far, I’m impressed by its capability to make me a better writer. Recently they’ve also added a free browser extension that even now is helping me with my grammar and spelling. But the paid service is where Grammarly really shines. I’ve found it’s particularly helpful in catching the proper and improper placement of commas, (does anyone really know where they’re supposed to be used,) wordiness, and the improper use of words. For example, where you used it’s when it should have been its (as I did in a sentence above).
I also like their three different payment plans: monthly, quarterly, and annual. That way you can check it out for a month to determine how useful you find it. Of course, I think it’s a little like push button windows on a car. At first you wonder why anyone would want such a convenience until you finally have a car with them. Then, you wonder how you ever lived without them. Grammarly is like that for me. Give it a try. I’m betting you won’t be able to live without it, and for sure, it will improve your writing.
Scrivener Writing Program
In my opinion, this is the premier program to use for writing…virtually anything and everything. I’ve used it for over three years and rarely if ever use any other writing programs at this point. I don’t even own a copy of MS Word anymore. And at $45 for the Scrivener 2 Mac OSX (and $40 for the PC version), they are also the best value out there. And if you’re quite ready to buy, they even have a 30-day Trial Offer. So, check Scrivener out at one of these (affiliate) links:
Learn Scrivener Fast
Let’s face it, even the best and most user-friendly piece of software has a learning curve. I’d say, the best ones, the ones of most value, often have a fairly steep learning curve, that is if you want to get the most from them.
I found I could use Scrivener pretty much “straight of the box” (ie. the 30-day trial offer). But soon I realized just how powerful it could be. That’s when I was lucky to find Learn Scrivener Fast. It answers this question: How can you get Scrivener to do exactly what you want and accelerate your writing career in less than 1 week?
Buck Books

Okay, now that you have a tool for helping you with your grammar and typos, and another tool for organizing your writing, you should be well on your way to writing the next great novel or work of non-fiction. Now the fun and challenge really begins. How do you get your book noticed in a world that’s consistently growing with thousands of new books every week.
That’s where Buck Books can help.
So far, I’ve used Buck Books mainly to fill my Kindle with books I plan to read in the near future, and not as an author. I do hope that changes soon, and that they accept some of my books to promote to their growing readership. I do believe they’ve done an admirable job of trying to serve both their readership base while also assisting emerging authors to become better known. It’s this win-win philosophy that has me recommending them to you, as well as why I’m one of their affiliates. They also offer a tier approach with the affiliate program, so if you’d like, you can also become one of their affiliates by going to this link: Become an Affiliate of Buck Books
You may want to bookmark this page so you can return to it easily. I plan to add additional resources as I come across them and test them out