What is Write On Purpose Coaching and How Does it Differ from Other Kinds of Coaching?

Write On Purpose Coaching is a uniquely tailored approach for emerging authors, designed to support and nurture their journey from aspiration to actualization in the literary world. This coaching style stands apart by focusing intensely on the core purpose driving each writer, integrating personal development principles with practical writing strategies. It emphasizes understanding the ‘why’ behind writing, helping authors to align their work with their deeper motivations and life goals. This results in a more fulfilling, passionate, and effective writing process. Unlike generic writing support, Write On Purpose Coaching blends life coaching techniques with literary mentorship, ensuring that each author’s journey is not just about producing words, but about personal growth, self-expression, and making a meaningful impact through their writing. This approach is ideal for those who see writing as more than a task, but as an extension of their life’s purpose and a pathway to making a difference.

Write On Purpose Coaching differentiates itself in several key ways:

  1. Purpose-Driven Approach: This coaching style delves deep into the underlying reasons why an individual is drawn to writing. It encourages authors to explore and articulate their core purpose, aligning their writing endeavors with their broader life goals and personal values. This approach fosters a more meaningful and fulfilling writing experience.
  2. Combination of Personal Development and Writing Mentorship: Unlike traditional writing support that may focus solely on the technical aspects of writing, Write On Purpose Coaching integrates personal development. This holistic approach ensures that the writing process contributes to the author’s overall growth, self-awareness, and self-expression.
  3. Empowering Emerging Authors: This coaching method is specifically tailored to emerging authors, focusing on the unique challenges and opportunities they face. It offers guidance in transitioning from aspiring to actualized authors, providing tools and strategies tailored to those at the beginning stages of their writing journey.
  4. Customized Support: Write On Purpose Coaching is highly individualized, recognizing that each writer’s journey is unique. The coaching adapts to the specific needs, style, and aspirations of each author, rather than applying a one-size-fits-all approach.
  5. Emphasis on Impact and Influence: There is a strong emphasis on not just writing, but on creating work that makes an impact. This could mean influencing readers, contributing to important conversations, or using writing as a tool for social change.

Who is Write On Purpose Coaching for?

Write On Purpose Coaching is for aspiring authors who want to create a lasting legacy through their written words. Whether you’re interested in penning children’s books, memoirs, fiction, or non-fiction, our coaching program will guide you through each step. I also work with more experienced authors who find themselves stuck in their writing careers.

Do I need prior writing experience to benefit from coaching?

No, you don’t need prior writing experience. I’ve tailored the coaching program to meet you where you are, helping you refine your ideas and build your skills.

How does the coaching process work?

We begin with a Heart-to-Heart Conversation to assess your needs and aspirations. From there, we’ll complete a Coaching Agreement to confirm our work together. During our early sessions, we’ll craft your Personal Legacy Roadmap to guide you along your journey. Weekly or bi-weekly sessions will keep you accountable and help you hone your skills.

How long does the coaching program last?

The duration varies based on individual needs and the specific project you’re working on. Clients initially engage for four months. At the end of time, we’ll assess your progress to determine how to proceed.

What are the costs involved?

Our pricing varies based on the individualized plan that we create for you. After the initial Heart-to-Heart Conversation, we’ll provide a detailed outline of costs tailored to your needs. Plans generally range between $400-$800 per month. Most clients find one of these coaching plans fits their budget and needs.

Is coaching done in person or online?

Coaching sessions are usually done online, making it convenient for clients worldwide. However, in-person sessions can be arranged depending on location and circumstances.

Will you help with publishing?

While the primary focus is on writing and content creation, guidance on publishing options, including traditional, hybrid, and self-publishing, can be provided as part of the coaching journey.

What types of writing do you specialize in coaching?

Write On Purpose Coaching covers a broad range of writing types, including but not limited to children’s stories, young adult fiction, memoirs, and captivating non-fiction.

What is the Writer’s Breakthrough Intensive?

The Writer’s Breakthrough Intensive is a deep dive into your project, providing the opportunity to make significant progress in a shorter timeframe. It is designed for those who are committed to advancing quickly.

What if I have more questions during the coaching process?

You can always reach out with additional questions or concerns between sessions. We’re committed to your success and are available for ongoing support.

How do I start?

Simply complete the simple, no-obligation questionnaire for your introductory Heart-to-Heart Conversation below. We’ll guide you through the next steps to begin your legacy journey.