By this time, you may be asking what this life purpose stuff have to do with writing, even Visionary Writing.  My response is EVERYTHING, because without a clarity of purpose, your writing will be missing the passion that turns so-so writing into the type of writing editors are willing to pay good money for. And let’s face it, making a living as a writer isn’t always that easy.  In fact, most professional freelancers would probably say it’s NEVER that easy. Without a clear sense of purpose, it’s too easy to get discouraged and end up throwing in the towel. But the clearer you are that your writing is an expression of your true purpose for being on planet earth, the more unstoppable you become.
For example, while I still spend a lot of my time writing, I also spend time as the founder of Life On Purpose Institute, as a life purpose coach, as a husband and a dad.  But none of these activities is my life purpose.  My life purpose, the context that gives shape and form to each of these activities is:

 To live an inspired and inspiring life of purposeful, passionate and playful service, a life of mindful abundance balanced with simplicity, and spiritual serenity.

Living a life of service, simplicity, and spiritual serenity becomes the vessel into which I pour my life. The result is that not only do I experience such a life, but my actions become an expression of my life purpose.  Before moving on from the Purposeful Path, there is one other point that’s too important not to touch on, and that’s the relationship between purpose, passion, and play.
But there’s another powerful force that can shape our lives especially when we don’t know our true purpose.  I refer to this life shaper as the Inherited Purpose.  Unlike the true purpose which is based in Universal Love, the Inherited Purpose is based in fear and lack and can lead to a lot of struggling to survive.  For example, my Inherited Purpose that began to be formed when I was about seven when my dad died unexpectedly of a heart attack is:

I have to be smart and know all the answers (or pretend that I do), and I have to work really hard to get ahead so I won’t be poor and so people won’t leave me.

And you may recognize this as we move into our next part of the Bloginar.
Pondering Question:  What might your Inherited Purpose be and how does it shape your life?
I’d love to hear your comments below.